Your home pregnancy test just came back positive. Your emotions are all over the place. Fear, confusion, worry, excitement. Your mind is racing with questions. Especially the big one… “What now?” These are the emotions we hear in the voices of women calling the Pregnancy Care Center every day. And every day, without judgment or pressure to make a quick decision, we confidentially help inform women so they can answer that big question. No matter where your head is at, the most important two steps for your health and safety are a pregnancy test and an ultrasound.
Facts Help You Decide
We offer you a free, confidential, self-administered pregnancy test with results available at the time of your visit. If your test is positive, we will refer you for a free ultrasound conducted by medical professionals onsite … often performed the same day. Your ultrasound will empower you with facts. It will help determine how many weeks pregnant you are … letting you know what options are the most healthy and safe for you. An ultrasound will also show if the pregnancy is located in the uterus and detect cardiac activity. If the pregnancy is not present inside the uterus, this may be a sign that the pregnancy is not viable and requires medical attention. If your pregnancy is in the uterus, knowing if it is a single or multiple pregnancy, or if there are signs of a miscarriage, (approximately 20% of early pregnancies end in miscarriage) are also important facts that will affect your care.
Medical or Surgical Abortion?
If you are considering abortion, how many weeks pregnant you are will determine what procedures are available to you. In Massachusetts, if you are 10 weeks pregnant or less, you are eligible for the abortion pill (medication abortion). If you are less than 24 weeks pregnant, you are eligible for a surgical abortion. Before you make your decision, it’s important to look at all your options.
Know ALL Your Options
Adoption and parenting are other options to consider when you receive a positive pregnancy test. Adoption can provide a stable home for your child, and peace of mind for you. Today’s adoption options are flexible, allowing different levels of involvement in your child’s life if you choose.
The idea of parenting might seem scary, but even if you didn’t plan this pregnancy, you can be a successful parent. Our center provides advocate support, parenting training, as well as material services (clothing, food, baby supplies and furniture) for you throughout your pregnancy and through the first year of your baby’s life.
Support No Matter What
No matter what you decide, we are here to support you. What we don’t do is charge you any fees or pressure you to make a decision. We are here to provide compassionate, confidential care. We offer non-judgmental support and provide ALL the facts you need to make an informed decision. If you need to talk to someone about your unplanned pregnancy, text or call us at 978-373-5700.